A series of public discussions on vision for a new National Strategy on Protection of Human Rights Protection and the Action Plan for 2020-2022 deriving therefrom launches


Today, a series of panel discussions aimed at developing the vision for a new National Strategy on Protection of Human Rights and the Action Plan deriving therefrom was launched under the chairmanship of Deputy Minister of Justice Kristinne Grigoryan. It was organised in close co-operation with the Ministry of Justice, the UN Development Programme and the European Union. Around three dozens of representatives from the legislative and judicial powers, state and non-governmental organisations participated in the discussion.

In her opening speech, Deputy Minister Grigoryan, greeting the participants of the discussion, informed that the initiation of the discussion derives from the Action Plan of the Government for 2019-2023 and is aimed at collecting information on the main problems existing in the field of human rights protection and defining in joint efforts the priorities for the next three years, that will be reflected in the National Strategy on on Protection of Human Rights and the Action Plan for 2020-2022 deriving therefrom.

The issues on the agenda of the first panel discussion related to the right to life and prohibition of torture, judicial protection and the rights to fair trial.

The Deputy Minister urged the participants to actively engage in the discussions, assuring that the issues raised during the discussion will be recorded for the purpose of using them in the further development activities of the Strategy.

Afterwards, an interesting discussion took place among the participants.

The second meeting of the series of discussions will be held on 13 September; the issues related to the ensuring of equal opportunities (equality of everyone before the law,
non-discrimination, protection of vulnerable groups) will be included on the agenda.